Considering a Private Mausoleum: Is it Right for You?
- At March 16, 2013
- By Belinda McLeod
- In Mausoleum Design

A private mausoleum is an above-ground building used as a permanent resting place for the deceased. Some private mausoleums are personal mausoleums, built for a single individual. Others are family mausoleums, built to house the remains of multiple family members. If you’re considering a private mausoleum, here’s what you need to know to decide if it’s right for you:
Benefits of a Private or Family Mausoleum
People choose private mausoleums for a variety of reasons, but the most common reasons people select private mausoleums are for privacy and the ability to personalize the resting place of the deceased. However, private mausoleums are also excluded from estate taxes, providing a substantial financial benefit to families who are currently involved in the estate planning process. Many choose a private or family mausoleum to make the arrangements prior to death, which removes the burden of making arrangements from bereaved family members after death. Private mausoleums also provide an eternal place of remembrance, sometimes for the entire family in the case of a family mausoleum.
Whether you’re considering a private mausoleum for emotional reasons or financial ones, this option does provide substantial benefits – particularly when planned prior to death.
Private Mausoleum Construction and Design
Private mausoleum construction ranges from simple to elaborate. The most simplistic private mausoleum style is a personal mausoleum, designed as a single crypt in granite. A more elaborate estate mausoleum designed for family use typically consists of several crypts, multiple chambers, decorative engravings, colored stone, and etchings. Design options range from classical architectural styles to modern designs.
Most private mausoleums feature a seating area for family members who desire to visit and contemplate the deceased. Additionally, they often feature alcoves, shelves, or decorative sconces designed to hold memorial offerings such as flowers or other memento items.
How Much Does a Private Mausoleum Cost?
Private mausoleums vary dramatically in price depending on the design and construction materials. A single or double crypt granite mausoleum may cost under fifty thousand dollars, while a family mausoleum with several crypts and a more elaborate mausoleum design costs at least several hundred thousand dollars.
Check Out the Rules and Regulations Governing Private Mausoleums
Some cemeteries have specific rules and regulations that govern private mausoleums. If you’re considering a private mausoleum, consult your cemetery to determine the guidelines on private mausoleum construction, materials, placement, and any specific regulations regarding personal or family mausoleums. Many cemeteries also dictate rules for endowment care.
Estate mausoleums on private property have the benefit of not being subject to the rules and regulations imposed by a cemetery. However, some states have rules and regulations about the disposition of the deceased that may apply to private mausoleum construction, materials, and design.
When considering if a private mausoleum is right for you, weigh the pros and cons, and evaluate how it fits with your financial planning situation, and where you are in the funeral planning process. Consider whether you want a personal or family mausoleum, and the construction details you’ll want to use. And, finally, consult rules or regulations in your state or cemetery to ensure you can create the final resting place that you desire.
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Belinda McLeod has a degree in Secondary Education, specializing in English and Journalism. She began her career as a freelance writer in 2018 since a flexible schedule would allow her to help care for an aging parent. Since then, Belinda has specialized in writing for the funeral industry. Belinda has written for Cake, a funeral-planning website, nursing homes, mausoleum companies, cremation companies, and funeral homes.